Series 5:


Pieces that tickled the artist's imagination

I am thrilled to share with you my latest collection of paintings inspired by the profound impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. These artworks bear witness to the emotions, reflections, and experiences that have shaped my artistic journey during this unprecedented time. Through vibrant colours and intricate details, I invite you to join me in finding solace, inspiration, and renewed resilience amidst the chaos. May these paintings remind us that even in the darkest of times, beauty can emerge, and the unwavering human spirit can prevail. Thank you for embarking on this deeply personal artistic journey with me.

1. Odyssey

Embarking on a spiritual quest presents challenges that are inherent to the journey. However, having faith in a positive guiding force can make the path smoother. This expedition of self-discovery and personal development reveals our true purpose. Our choices play a role in shaping our constantly evolving destinies, blending destiny and free will. It demonstrates our ability to find fulfillment and grow beyond the physical world. Let us embark on this extraordinary journey, with an open mind to the wonders that lie ahead, and discover the true meaning of our existence.

IMedium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2019

Size:38’’ x 46’’

Price: RM 69k

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2. The forgotten saviour

Desmond Thomas, a soldier and medic, uttered the plea, "Lord, please help me get one more," encapsulating his remarkable story of saving lives amidst the chaos of war. In the midst of World War II's violent Pacific battles, Desmond became an unwavering symbol of compassion and bravery. Without wielding a weapon, he saved 75 lives on Hacksaw Ridge by pulling injured soldiers to safety using a rope. With his unwavering belief in "Thou shall not kill," Desmond's heroism stood out amidst the bloodshed. The painting "Forgotten Savior" immortalizes the rope he used to save lives, left behind on the battlefield, fading into the annals of history.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2022

Size: 20’’ x 17.5’’

Price: RM 19k

3. The Third Day

This abstract painting captivates viewers with its storytelling. It depicts the biblical passage Genesis 1:9-13, which describes the origins of the Earth. Initially, there was only a vast expanse of water, devoid of any land or continents. However, when God uttered his words, the waters gathered and formed the oceans, while the land took shape with mountains and valleys. In the top corner of the painting, life emerges as water gives birth to vegetation and scatters seeds. The green hues in the artwork symbolize creation and highlight the significance of water, representing life, challenges, and hardships. As custodians of the Earth, it is our responsibility to treasure and protect it. However, with the increasing water levels, the future of our beautiful, swirling hues remains uncertain.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2019

Size: 20’’ x 17.5’’

Price: RM 19k

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4. The Warrior

The Banyan Tree is a magnificent and colossal tree, resembling a city block with its expansive canopy and endless branches. Despite starting as a tiny seed, it grows into one of the largest trees, thanks to the nurturing care of Mother Nature. This tree serves as a metaphor for the artist's life, as he remains steadfast and rooted in his morals and passion, despite facing challenges. Like the branches of the Banyan Tree, he expands and becomes a shelter, nurturing a vibrant ecosystem within himself, just as he does for his own family. This beautiful tree symbolizes immortality and longevity, withstanding even the strongest winds while protecting the vibrant life within. It serves as a true warrior, showcasing resilience and strength.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2019

Size: 20’’ x 17.5’’

Price: RM 19k

5. Whispering Soul

Mother Nature mourns as her once pristine waters turn red with the polluted blood of innocent animals, victims of human greed. She cries for the kindness she once offered, now met with insatiable greed. Amidst the choking smoke, she gasps for clean air, searching for solace in the radiant sun. However, trapped in the despair woven by human hands, she can only weep, longing for liberation and whispering, "Set me free."

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2023

Size: 28.5’’ x 42’’

Price: RM 55k

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6. Oneness

He stands alone, a being of unparalleled uniqueness in this vast universe. Unlike those born into existence, he springs forth as his own entity. There is no one like him, with a brilliance that cannot be replicated. His presence captivates, drawing others to his magnetic aura. He reminds us of our own power to carve our paths and embrace our distinctiveness. In a world that craves conformity, he is an inspiring beacon of true extraordinariness.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2023

Size: 25.5’’ x 33’’

Price: RM 29k